ESA is open for business
During COVID-19, business continuity was maintained even as the vast majority of administrative work, including finance, legal, contracts and procurement, was done remotely. ESA has some 4 800 contracts with industry, so we committed to ensure payments were made on time and even ahead of due date.

During COVID-19, business continuity was maintained even as the vast majority of administrative work, including finance, legal, contracts and procurement, was done remotely. ESA has some 4 800 contracts with industry, so we committed to ensure payments were made on time and even ahead of due date. Before the end of March 2020, new systems were in place to allow key elements of procurement to take place electronically including videoconferencing during the tendering process and digital signature of contracts. Our next challenge is to make ESA more forceful, more dynamic and faster to interact with start-ups and companies to help them to succeed.
In addition to open Invitations to Tender, ESA has a wide range of programmes to invite companies to work with us.
The Advanced Research in Telecommunications Systems (ARTES) programme enables European and Canadian industry to explore, through research and development (R&D) activities, innovative concepts to produce leading-edge satcom products and services.
The Downstream Gateway creates links between business sectors and ESA’s portfolio of infrastructures and activities. It encourages new interactions with industry and potential partners, listening to their needs and providing easy access to ESA’s expertise and activities in applications and technical domains.
Business incubation and technology transfer is handled by ESA Space Solutions.
ESA encourages Open Innovation through the ideas platform. The website enables the submission of novel ideas for space technology and applications. The platform supports individuals who wish to contribute to European space research and interact with space industry experts. It also encourages ideas from legal entities interested in interacting with ESA and gaining funding or support for new research activities.
Meanwhile, the Φ-lab is a catalyst for Earth observation innovative and transformative ideas, and a bridge within Earth observation’s ecosystem of innovative players which connects the actors of industry, investors, and academia to foster entrepreneurial initiatives. It will be expanded to become a network of labs under Agenda 2025.