Human space exploration
The US, Russia, China and India already have human spaceflight or are rapidly advancing their plans. Europe must seize the opportunity to be part of the top tier in space activities, which boosts economic growth, innovation and the creation of new jobs and services.

What’s the problem?
The first European astronauts will visit the Moon within the next few years, as ESA joins the international effort to build a research base in lunar orbit and on the lunar surface. Human spaceflight is an essential sovereign capability among all the major space powers except Europe. Creating the ability to transport European astronauts into space on European launchers developed through innovative partnerships with European space companies will enable Europe to compete and better collaborate with the main spacefaring nations.
Why act now?
In the coming years, dozens of international teams will send missions to the Moon that ultimately envisage a permanent lunar presence. These will become regular trips rather than one-off expeditions.
What is needed?
Europe must build on its experience in fostering the commercial launch of telecommunications satellites to challenge European space companies to create a new generation of European launchers that offer routine access to space and are also suitable for human spaceflight.
Why do this in Europe?
The capacity to launch astronauts into space will provide Europe with outstanding opportunities to play the role it deserves in future international endeavours related to space exploration, in a highly visible and rewarding manner.
What’s the next step?
ESA will establish a high-level advisory group on human exploration. It will report progress to the next ESA Council of Ministers held in November 2022 ahead of any decision to be taken at a space summit held in 2023.
What are the wider benefits?
Collaborating with the European space industry to foster innovation generates economic growth and new revenues, as well as creating new jobs for European citizens. All the money invested in space is spent on Earth.